Friday, December 10, 2010

Personal Learning Reflection - CEP810

This class has taught me the importance and the ways of using technologies in classrooms 

curriculum. The only way I knew how to present is using Microsoft Power Point. I never knew 

there are so many other options such as Google Presenter or Prezi! 

I have never used to blog before or I never knew what Google Docs are. I think I will be using  

Google Docs a lot especially when I am preparing a presentation with colleagues from other   

states. Blogs can be incorporated in almost any subject in the classroom: from science to 


I thought the session about Internet Security was very helpful. What an important session to know how to protect and maintain your computer as well as educate your peers and your students on digital citizenship. 

I really liked the copyright assignment. I never thought I had to cite the pictures that I copy from  the web and include them in my presentations. Now I know! 
I knew very little about text to speech before our SIG group started working on the project. Now I  

know that it is another great assisstive technology that can be used in classrooms to teach

English as a second language learners, little children how to read, for children with disabilities, 

and for other educational purposes.

and in my workplace! I never thought a blog or RSS feeds could be integrated into class

My favorite assignment was to submit a lesson or activity. I can really see myself teaching one

believe I met all of my established goals in my Personal Growth Plan but there is always room  t

o learn and grow. I am sure there are many other technologies that I am not aware of and I will  

learn about them and how to use them in my workplace when I take further certificate classes.

day! That’s where I started being creative and really enjoyed of preparing the assignment. I