I have really enjoyed CEP 811. It was very informative and very hands on class. I learned so much in this course that I could use in my workplace. A few projects that I enjoyed the most was creating a lesson plan, StAIR and a website.
Since I am mostly working with department administrators, the lesson plan I created could be used as a source of presentation. It was very helpful and new to me to use instructional design principles to create my lesson plan. I think that a real word performance is very important aspect when designing a lesson plan or presentation. I also really enjoyed looking back at my lesson plan and seeing how I can apply UDL Principles to assist different learners. I have the UDL checklist printed and I will design every lesson plan using UDL principles.
StAIR project was very interesting to create. I probably spent 10-15 hours to create my project but I think once it is modified using my classmates and co-workers suggestions, it can be used by our international students. There are so many more topics that I have in mind for my other StAIR projects: applying for a social security number, driver license, etc.
I have never had a website of my own. I will use my weebly site I created mostly for personal reasons. I will upload my updated CV and upload my course work from my Certificate courses. I was struggling using Dream-weaver to create my site but it was an interesting challenge.
My new goal is to finish up my Certificate course work. I have only one more class to go and then I will try to apply for a Master’s Ed Tech program. I am a full time employee and full time mom and I am just taking one step at a time. Raising my son in a bilingual family has brought
me some ideas to create a site for Lithuanian immigrant families or create something that Lithuanian immigrant children can use to learn Lithuanian.
Learning to use technology effectively is really rewarding when you realize how much you can do once you know how. We are certainly glad we were able to provide a spark or two for you to use in the workplace and in your personal life.