Monday, April 4, 2011

Web Conferencing - CEP 812 group project

As a group we decided to use Vyew as our web conferencing tool. At first we wanted to use Skype but “Web Conferencing” lecture suggested to use something different than Skype. I tried to log in to try out DimDim but it said they no longer accept new subscriptions and Adobe Connect was not free.

The advantage of using Vyew web conferencing was that we could all chat and talk to each other. I like that we can leave voice messages in the chat room. During our session, Collin and Dessa could talk and I was not able to use my microphone. I tried to use it and after I clicked “Allow” on the box, my computer froze and I had to restart it. We could also type on the board in the chat room but I realized it only after we ended our session. I guess we all had to be moderators in the chat room to be able to type. Collin started a document for brainstorming on Google doc. We all put in our thoughts and we will meet again this Wednesday to finalize our thoughts.

The disadvantage of using this tool was that we were not able to record our session. Again, after the session, I suggested next time to record our session using Jing. However, I am not sure how much time Jing allows us to record.

I would definitely use Vyew next time. At first it looked confusing but it took time to learn to navigate the website and go through tutorials. I would definitely use it for collaboration with my colleagues.
Web Conferencing using Vyew.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your reflections on this activity Neringa. Vyew sounds like a good experience after the few bumps with audio. Another group is using WizIQ and it does record. Just thought to mention that, but I'm not sure it let's you leave audio comments.
